We are a busy family of six who wants to help other busy families learn that quality time in the kitchen is possible for all of us.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hi, I'm Amber!

Hello! Welcome to our new blog. I say our, because I think you will quickly see that things around here are always, "our". :) With 4 kiddos and a hubby, I have a lot of helpers. I grew up in the kitchen with my grandma and most everything I do in there is a reflection of her.  It's often been said that the kitchen is the heart of the home. And it wasn't until my home was filled with my own children that I understood that. The kitchen is not just where food is prepared. It is where we come together to learn and grow, to discuss the day's events with each other, to pray together, to enjoy each other - and cooking and food is a large part of all of those things. It's no wonder that I have become so passionate about my kitchen and everything that is in it. From the ingredients I use, to the tools I prep with, to the people that are in it!

I hope to bring you relevant content you can use. I have long been asked to share my kitchen and cooking tips and recipes.  But eventually, I hope to branch out even beyond kitchen "help".You should know up front, I am a Director with Pampered Chef, and that is what nearly 100% of my kitchen is made up of.  But I will not just focus on that. It isn't a Pampered Chef selling blog, (that's actually not even allowed) but I do want to be able to help you out in some way.  So, with that being said, I hope you have as much fun checking in on us and we have creating content to share with you all!

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